How to Fight Aging With Meditation

How to Fight Aging With Meditation

Meditation is a powerful tool for slowing down the aging process. It fights problems such as stress, insomnia, poor circulation, addictions and negative outlook that cause aging. Meditation is easy to learn and inexpensive, and you can practice it almost anywhere. Most people are unaware of its transformative value, especially as it pertains to anti-aging.


Find a certified instructor of yoga or meditation in your area. Be explicit that you want to practice it in order to fight aging. This way you eliminate schools of meditation that have other goals, such as overcoming the ego.


Learn the techniques well. Your success in meditation is proportional to how closely you can follow instructions on things such as breathing, concentration and posture.


Practice meditation regularly, preferably at the same time each day. Many people agree that the best times to meditate are before you start your day's activities and before you go to sleep. Your instructor may tell you otherwise. Stick to what your instructor recommends. As you gain more experience, you'll know what works best for you.


Enjoy the natural side effects of meditation or yoga. Your body and mind should feel more rejuvenated. Your energy level should increase noticeably. Also, your skin should look healthier and younger. You don't need to do anything other than meditate for these anti-aging side effects to occur.


Use CDs and other aids or your own concentration to break bad habits such as smoking, drinking or overeating. Ridding yourself of these habits can extend your life.


Keep in mind that the more you practice yoga or meditation, the more effective it becomes. So don't stop it once you attain a certain level of success.

Tips & Warnings

Many people who start meditating for the first time report an experience that's anything but pleasant. This is due to negative patterns emerging on the surface when the mind becomes calm. One example is intense fear or pain from past trauma. Although it feels bad, it's actually good for you, like bad-tasting medicine. Qualified instructors understand this stage and can help you through it.

How to Fight a Cold

How to Fight a Cold

During cold season, it is hard to avoid catching at least one. Try these natural remedies to reduce the duration of your cold and get better faster!


Airborne. Take at the first sign of a cold or before going to a public place like the airport or mall during cold season. It's full with natural good stuff to fight off the virus.


Fluids. Drink plenty of fluids.


Echinacea. It has long been the top choice for herbal cold remedies.


Vitamin C. It boosts your immune system, reducing the severity and length of the cold. your body can only absorb between 250 mg to 500 mg a day so don't waste your vitamins by taking extra large doses.


Zinc. Suck on a zinc lozenge every couple of hours for a fast recovery.


Blow it. If your nose is running, don't keep sniffling, blow out the mucus into a Kleenex, and wash hands in soapy water afterwards.


Green Tea. Drink a cup every day for a healthier body.


Run a humidifier in the bedroom during the dry cold season.


Reduce stress. If you feel yourself getting sick, take a few measures to reduce added stress in your life which weakens your immune system. Your body needs rest so it can work to heal. Perhaps giving yourself a relaxing spa day will give your body the rest and relaxation it needs to get healing. *~see How to Plan a Spa Day at Home~*


Stay Home. Prevent spreading colds by staying home or keeping your kids home from school during a cold.


Pain reliever. If your cold is causing you a lot of minor aches and pains, fever or headache, take a pain reliever such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen, or Excedrine.

Tips & Warnings

Sneeze on your sleeve.

Cough on your cuff.

Wash hands to reduce spread of germs.


How to Fight a Cold With Crystals

How to Fight a Cold With Crystals

Starve a cold, feed a fever? The other way around? Let's face it, nobody knows what helps. Everyone has their standbys, from mustard plasters to hot toddies. The world of natural medicine offers several minerals that can help you through a cold.

Things You'll Need:

Small bag or pouch (optional)

Clear Quartz

Larimar, Sulphur, Jet, Emerald and Yellow Topaz for colds and flu

Carnelian for sinus and lung irritation

Labradorite, Fluorite, Rhyolite, Lapis, Rhodochrosite or Smithsonite for sinus congestion

Aquamarine or Blue Agate for coughs

Gold, Lodestone or Rutilated Quartz for bronchitis


Clear Quartz is the ultimate healing stone. Use it for its own properties and to give the other stones more power. Keep one in your pocket, under your pillow and in your water glass.


If you're coughing, add an Aquamarine or Blue Agate to that water glass. Or, just wrap a cloth around your neck with one of these stones over your throat.


For the sinus congestion, try washing your sinuses with a salt water solution. Keep a piece of Labradorite, Fluorite or Lapis Lazuli in the salt water, along with a piece of Carnelian.


For the chest congestion, drink lots of water and breathe lots of steam. Add Lodestone, Gold or Rutilated Quartz in the steam water, along with a piece of Carnelian.


There are several stones that are specifically recommended for a cold. Try wearing Larimar, Sulphur, Jet, Emerald or Yellow Topaz.

Tips & Warnings

Get plenty of rest, drink plenty of good water and keep any or all of these stones under your mattress or pillow or in your pockets.

You can combine small pieces of all of these in a medicine pouch and wear it.

If any cold lasts longer than seven to ten days, your nasal discharge becomes yellow, or your fever spikes, see your doctor.

How to Fast to Treat Lupus

How to Fast to Treat Lupus

Lupus is a chronic and potentially fatal autoimmune disease that affects one in every 200 Americans. Lupus is characterized by flare-ups and remissions that involve painful inflammation and swelling of various parts of the body. While there is no cure for lupus, the painful symptoms can be eliminated or at least greatly diminished through a therapeutic juice fast.


Prepare for your fast at least one week in advance, gradually cutting out meats, sugars, nicotine, caffeine and alcohol. It is recommended that you take three multivitamin and multimineral supplements with each meal during the week or two before beginning your fast.


Drink only fresh fruit and vegetable juices for 8 full days. You can drink as much juice as you like to combat thirst and hunger. While you can juice any type of vegetable that can be eaten raw, beneficial fruits and vegetables for treating lupus include cabbage, beets, romaine lettuce, carrots, apples, grapes and melons. There is no limit to the type or amount of fruit and vegetable juice you can drink during your fast.


Come off of your fast gradually by slowly adding raw vegetables and easily digested proteins to your diet. You may eat one or two half meals each day for three days, including raw vegetables, nuts, beans and tofu. Continue to drink fresh juices to combat thirst and hunger.


Maintain a diet made up from 75 percent raw foods for at least ten days after your fast. You may eat three full meals each day plus snacks as long as each meal is at least 75 percent raw. The 25 percent of your meals that consists of cooked foods should include baked or steamed vegetables, nuts, whole grains and beans.


Return to your regular diet slowly, eating smaller meals than normal and supplementing with raw food snacks and fresh juices. Complete a therapeutic juice fast whenever you feel a flare-up of your lupus symptoms.

Tips & Warnings

Speak to your doctor before beginning a fast, particularly if you are taking prescription medications.

Occasionally fasters may feel a peak in painful symptoms for the first few days of a fast. These are signs that your body is successfully eliminating toxins from your body, and you should not be alarmed unless the painful symptoms last more than one week. If you continue to feel excess pain and discomfort after 1 week, speak to your doctor as soon as possible.

How to Fast to Treat Colitis

How to Fast to Treat Colitis

Colitis is a gastrointestinal (GI) disorder that can cause malabsorption of food, cramping, constipation and diarrhea. While the causes of colitis vary from genetic predisposition to systemic toxemia, many sufferers of colitis battle the disorder throughout their entire lives. Colitis requires treatment through diet and lifestyle changes guided by a medical physician; however, occasional therapeutic juice fasting can help treat flare-ups and the painful symptoms of colitis.


Plan a 21-day therapeutic juice fast to treat colitis symptoms. The cycle will consist of eight days taking in only fresh fruit and vegetable juices, three days to gradually come off from the juice fast and ten days eating at least 75 percent raw foods.


Begin with an 8-day juice fast, drinking the juice of raw fruits and vegetables. You may juice any fruit or vegetable that can be eaten raw and may consume as much juice as you need to combat hunger and thirst. As a general rule, mix your juices with one part water to one part juice, using filtered or bottled water if possible. A few beneficial fruits and vegetables for colitis include cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, zucchini squash, romaine lettuce, celery, apples, grapes and melons.


Be prepared to spend a little extra time in the bathroom, as a juice fast will help to clean out wastes from your digestive tract, increasing both urination and defecation. You should drink a minimum of four 8 oz. glasses of fresh juice throughout the day for eight full days. You cannot overdo a juice fast, so whenever you feel hungry or thirsty--drink.


Come off of the juice fast gradually by eating very lightly for three days. Only eat raw fruits and vegetables during this three day period. As a rule of thumb, eat six small meals each day, eating only half as much as you would like to. Continue drinking fresh juice to combat thirst and hunger.


Maintain a raw food diet for at least 10 days after your juice fast. You may eat three full meals and snacks, as long as at least 75 percent of each meal is made up from raw, uncooked fruits, vegetables and nuts. The 25 percent cooked portion should include whole grain pastas and breads, brown rice, beans and cooked vegetables. Refrain from eating meat, not just while on the fast, but always, as meat irritates the symptoms of colitis.


Eat as normal once you have completed the 21-day cycle. Be sure to include plenty of fresh healthy proteins and fats in your regular diet such as yogurt, goat's milk, nuts and beans. Complete a 21-day juice fast when needed to treat the symptoms of colitis.

Tips & Warnings

Do not begin a fast without your doctor's approval, particularly if you are taking prescription medications. Fasting should not be undertaken by nursing or pregnant mothers.

How to Fast to Treat Arthritis

How to Fast to Treat Arthritis

Arthritis is a condition that causes joint pain, stiffness and swelling. Arthritis can limit movement and even cause joint deformities and brittle bones. Toxic chemicals that accumulate in the joint spaces of the body contribute to the painful symptoms of arthritis. While traditional medicine treats arthritis with anti-inflammatory drugs and pain killers, over time these treatments can add to the problem. Fasting and detoxification is a common natural treatment for arthritis that can be performed easily and safely.


Prepare for your fast by supplementing your body's nutritional reserves with vitamin and mineral supplements. It is recommended that you take two or three non-copper multivitamin and multimineral supplements as well as two or three antioxidant tablets with each meal. To further support detoxification you may take three lipotropic factors twice a day and one tbsp. of liquid bioflavonoids each morning.


Begin your fast slowly. While many people can begin a fast instantly, those suffering from arthritis may feel more discomfort and pain if the fast is begun too quickly. For the first three days of your fast, eat only fruits, vegetables (raw or cooked,) nuts, seeds and juices. Drink extra water and try to eat smaller portions of food than you normally would.


Drink only warm teas, water and fruit or vegetable juices beginning on the fourth day. You may drink any teas or fruit juices your like as well as the juice from any vegetable that can be eaten raw. Beneficial juices to treat arthritis include carrot, beet, cabbage, apple, grapes and melon. Drink as much juice as needed to combat both thirst and hunger.


Start eating solid foods again on the ninth day, eating only one light meal each day made up from steamed or baked vegetables. Do not eat a full meal, rather try to eat only half of what you might like to and combat your thirst and hunger with more fresh juice.


Reintroduce your regular diet slowly beginning on the eleventh day. Eat three small meals a day, which may include easily digestible proteins like whole grains, brown rice, tofu and quinoa.


Return to your normal arthritis-friendly diet and complete the fast on day 15. Continue to keep fresh juice a regular part of your diet to treat arthritis. Perform a fifteen-day fast whenever you feel a flare up of your arthritis symptoms.

Tips & Warnings

Always dilute fresh fruit and vegetable juices with 50 percent water.

Many people who have used a fast to treat arthritis have complained of a brief worsening of symptoms in the early portion of the fast. While easing into your fast slowly should decrease the chances of this spike in symptoms, there is still a possibility that you may feel a bit more discomfort than normal during the first few days. A brief worsening of symptoms can be uncomfortable, but it is a sign that your body is effectively eliminating toxins and should be followed by significant improvement by day 5 of your fast. If painful symptoms continue past day 5, speak to your doctor as soon as possible.

How to Fast for Weight Loss

How to Fast for Weight Loss

Fasting is a practice that involves choosing to abstain from food, drink, or both for a pre-determined amount of time. It is generally used for detoxification of the body or for other medical reasons. Fasting programs are also popular and proven weight loss methods when used safely and moderately. Due to the health risks of fasting, it is extremely important to follow a few steps to ensure that your fast is both effective and healthy for your body.


Begin with a very brief fasting program before building up to a longer program for weight loss. If this is your first time fasting, it is best to start out fasting for only a portion of the day, such as a 12-hour period that starts at night. Generally, fasting for more than a few days is not medically recommended, so it is dangerous to subject your body to this practice without giving yourself necessary preparation time to adjust.


Prepare your body to undergo a fasting program for weight loss by limiting unnecessary food habits, such as the intake of alcohol, sugar and caffeine at least 1 week prior to starting your fast. You should also refrain from or limit your use of nicotine and try to avoid eating red meat. One of the primary purposes of fasting is to rid the body of these toxins, so it is usually helpful to get yourself in the habit of avoiding these substances before you even begin.


Allow yourself to eat only 1 meal per day while fasting. The best time of day to have this meal is usually about 3:00 in the afternoon, as this is the midpoint of the working day for most people. The meal you have should only be comprised of water, tea or juice and some form of raw fruits or vegetables to ensure maximum detoxification and weight loss.


Avoid exercise and other strenuous activity during your fast. Though refraining from exercise may seem to contradict the purpose of a weight loss program, your body will not be physically capable of performing any form of exercise due to the physiological effects of fasting. Denying your body food and water temporarily decreases the amount of energy your body is able to expend.


Rebuild the amount of food you eat slowly after you finish your fast. It is common to want to binge after completing a fast, but it is important to slowly increase your intake of food over a period of days to allow your digestive cycle to return to normal.

Tips & Warnings

Don't expect to fast without side effects. Common side effects of a fast for weight loss are headaches, feelings of hunger, nausea and irritability. Usually, the body will adjust to the fasting program within 3 days and these side effects will eventually decrease or disappear entirely.

People who are pregnant or who suffer from chronic medical conditions should never fast.

How to fall asleep with linden leaves.

How to fall asleep with linden leaves.

This article will help you if you are having trouble falling asleep using an old home brew remedy.

Things You'll Need:

Linden Tea (Te de tilo)or

Linden leaves (Hojas de tilo)


Obtain Linden (also known as Tilo) leaves for brewing. If you are lucky you'll find the tea already bagged.


Brew the leaves in warm water. Use a filter if you weren't lucky enough to find the bagged version.


Allow about thirty minutes to work.

Tips & Warnings

You can find Linden/Tilo in the tea section. If you have a Spanish tea section look for a brand like Badia.

Tilo is Spanish for Linden leaves. So use them interchangeably.

Check for allergies before hand.

How to Extract Aloe Vera Juice

How to Extract Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe, a member of the lily family that more closely resembles a cactus in appearance and habitat, has been used in natural medicine for thousands of years. Today, we value it chiefly for its "aloe vera," a gel scraped from the inside of its fleshy spiked leaves, that can be used as a salve to relieve burned or irritated skin. There is more to this ancient plant, however, than the mucilaginous gel that is used to soothe skin. Many people maintain that the use of aloe "juice" has digestive benefits, too.

Things You'll Need:

Aloe plants

Sharp knife

Potato peeler

Cheese cloth and colander or juicer


Storage Container


Grow your plants outside in sandy soil. This "lily of the desert" loves hot weather and doesn't mind dry conditions but cannot tolerate freezing temperatures. Indoor plants do not produce gel of the same potency. Every spring, your plants will produce offsets that can be planted to make new plants. If you separate and start each of these "babies" in its own space or pot each spring, you'll have a steady supply of aloe plants.


Choose plants that are two to three years old to use for your aloe vera juice. Mature plants have been producing the enzymes and proteins that make up the interior of the leaves for some time. Also, mature plants can stand to lose some leaves with little damage to the plant. Harvest ten to twelve leaves from the bottoms of mature plants three to four hours after watering. Wash the leaves with warm water or water and vinegar.


With a sharp knife, slice the spiny sides off each leaf. Work quickly with the leaves once you've cut them to conserve the liquid that will drain out as you work. Cut or scrape one side of the leaf off and cut the exposed gel into sections and cut away from the remaining leaf surface, being careful not to take any of the lining of the tough green leaf away with the colorless gel. The gel should be tasteless, not bitter.


Put your gel in a juicer or a cheesecloth-lined colander in a bowl. Process the gel in the juicer or crush it through the strainer into the bowl to get your ale juice. Add up to a gallon of water or fruit juice to thin for drinking. Refrigerate immediately. Don't make too much at a time--aloe potency fades quickly, so the juice must be consumed within a few days.

Tips & Warnings

Various sources recommend aloe vera juice for everything from intestinal health to hair conditioning. When searching for uses for aloe juice, check the source to make sure it's reliable and the information it offers is accurate.

Although some aloe juice "recipes" suggest chopping off the spines and processing the whole leaf, the interior of the lining of the aloe leaf contains aloe latex, a bitter yellowish substance that can cause gastric upset and severe cramps. Be careful to avoid this part of the leaf when collecting your aloe juice.

Old plants that have had their lower leaves stripped can be re-set more deeply. They will continue to set offshoots.

Read the Mayo Clinic's analysis of benefits of aloe before ingesting any.

People with allergies to onions or garlic (also members of the lily family) should not use aloe internally.

How to Recieve a Reiki Attunement

How to Recieve a Reiki Attunement

Reiki is a new age form of healing that involves transmitting energy through the hands of the practitioner to the recipient. Trained and untrained people can do this practice of "laying on hands," as it is a spiritual healing technique and requires no medical training. It is however recommended that you receive an attunement from a Reiki master before practicing Reiki.


Pray for guidance and the Reiki master with whom you should work with will be revealed to you. Since Reiki involves strong spiritual energy, you will want to become aligned with your Higher Power with one who shares your spiritual vibrations.


Receive the attunement from a Reiki master with whom you have some experience. Get a treatment from the person before you take the next step in learning how to give the treatments yourself, knowing that you have received the gift from someone you trust.


Relax. Allow the Reiki master to softly touch your head, shoulders and hands.


Be prepared for the Reiki master to lightly blow on you as well. The energy is often thought to flow through the breath.


Allow the energy to flow into your body. If you are in tune with your Reiki person, you may feel a warm sensation under is or her hands. Some people who go through this attunement process see colors or have other visions that are peaceful and relaxing. These special abilities are not required though for the attunement to be successful.


Continue with some training after you have received an attunement. You will be a much more affective Reiki practitioner with at least eight hours of direct training from a master.

How to Prevent Heartburn

How to Prevent Heartburn

Heartburn is a burning pain in the heart area. It's a digestive complaint where regurgitated stomach acid mimics heart pain that can radiate to the neck, throat, and even the face. It usually happens after eating and is worse upon lying down or at bedtime. The following suggestions are designed to minimize stomach acid output while other healing measures are put into play.


Eat fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.


Eat when relaxed.


Eat smaller meals


Don't eat directly before going to bed.


Identify the acid provokers. These are alcohol, coffee, citrus fruits, tomato, chocolate, carbonated drinks like pop, spicy foods, black tea, peppers and onions.


No more fat. Fried foods, whipping cream, milk shakes, and other delectable fatty drinks and foods make matters worse.


Refrain from gassy foods. This could be individual items or combinations that cause you to belch.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid carminative herbs like peppermint and spearmint. They make matters worse for some.

Decrease acid-meadow sweet.

Healing-cabbage, comfrey, licorice root, marshmallow root.

Soothing herbs-marshmallow root, slippery elm.

Seek medical attention for chest pains not related to eating, intense or unrelenting symptoms, chest pain that extends to the left arm, shoulders, or neck, shortness of breath, crushing sensation on the chest and/or nighttime pain accompanied by increased heart rate or rapid breathing.

How to Prepare for a Deep Tissue Massage Session

How to Prepare for a Deep Tissue Massage Session

A deep tissue message is quite different from the average Swedish message. The Swedish Message is aimed at relaxation, but the deep tissue message is intended to break up adhesions and restrictions to increase the range of movement and relieve pain.


Get a deep tissue massage you've had an injury or are in pain. The deep tissue massage is created to reach the deeper levels and release knots and tension. If you just want relaxation, you won't be best served by the deep tissue massage.


Prepare for some discomfort upon receiving the massage since the massage applies a great deal of pressure on the areas that are bound. The therapist begins by pushing her entire thumb area of both hands, up the sides of your spinal column to the head. If this is a sensitive area, you will feel pain.


Understand that the second level of a deep massage will also cause some additional discomfort. The therapist uses his entire forearm to move up your back, going against the muscle, not with it as a Swedish message.


Expect a few days of tenderness. The actions of the massage are created to break up scar tissue and realign the deeper muscles and fascia below. If there was considerable damage, there could be some short-lived discomfort.


Wait a few days before giving your verdict. The entire process is designed to break up adhesions and stimulate circulation. There can be a delay as the muscles, now having better circulation, start to repair themselves.

How to Practice Feldenkrais

How to Practice Feldenkrais

The Feldenkrais method, commonly used by actors, singers and dancers to aid self-awareness and body movement, can improve movement and function for all kinds of people. An educational system based on the precept that movement increases health, creative and social ability, it's classified as an alternative therapy and is used to help people with cerebral palsy and other movement-impaired individuals function better.


Study Functional Integration. This method focuses on various body movement patterns. Speech, the way you touch someone's shoulder, the way you point at an object, the way your walk, impact your motor-body functions as a whole and impacts your health, appearance and relationships with others.


Learn about awareness through movement. This method uses a series of movements that increase the function of joints and muscles and decreases stress. The range of movement grows naturally through repeated exercises.


Use Feldenkrais methods to overcome a temporary or permanent physical disability. By changing the way you move your hand, flex your wrist or sit at a computer, you can alleviate pain, improve posture or boost your energy level. If you work at a computer all day, use the new movements you learned in Feldenkrais to prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from forming.


Interact with others in an appropriate way, using and varying the tone of voice or the firmness of touch depending on the situation. Learn how to read non-verbal signals effortlessly to achieve this.


Do Feldenkrais exercises such as the "pencil on the nose." In this exercise you draw a circle by pretending there is a pencil on the tip of your nose. In an exercise like this, you become aware of how the neck, elbows and other parts of your body move in addition to your head and nose when you draw the "circle."

How to Practice Chinese Medicine

How to Practice Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine has been used for centuries to treat and prevent a wide range of ailments. Chinese medicine includes acupuncture, herbal therapies, breathing and movement exercises and other regimens. You can continue an ancient tradition and find your inner balance by learning to practice Chinese medicine.


Emphasize your practice of Chinese medicine, with lifestyle management, as a means of disease prevention. Recognize that health is not simply lack of disease, but enhancement of well-being. Chinese medicine is based on the idea of Yin and Yang, the fundamental balance and harmony within a person, which can become depleted and cause illness.


Correct internal imbalance through the use of
Chinese herbs
. Chinese medicine recognizes that the right combination of herbs can increase and enhance the body's self-healing processes. Chinese herbs are not only used to treat symptoms, but also as part of energetic therapy.


Restore the balance of Yin and Yang in your body by receiving acupuncture. This ancient treatment using tiny needles along your body's meridians, or energy lines, can clear obstructions, deficiencies, excesses or imbalances in your bodies energy system.


Have your face read, a practice called Mien Shiang. Practitioners of this Chinese medicinal art look for sizes and shapes as well as positions of facial features such as lines or shading. With these observations they can interpret a persons personality, health and social standing.


Discover how your body is functioning by having your tongue evaluated. The tongue, an organ that is controlled by the autonomic nervous system and your circulatory system, changes with our body's physiological changes. Practitioners of Chinese medicine believe that the movement and appearance of your tongue can reveal imbalances in the body.


Cultivate your body's energy by practicing Qi Gong, an ancient Chinese exercise that improves health and longevity and increases inner harmony. Qi Gong is not just a physical exercise; it also disciplines your mind, honing focus, intention, breath and action.

How to Polish Canvas Sneakers

How to Polish Canvas Sneakers

Canvas sneakers look great when kept as new. Before you polish any canvas sneaker, clean it properly by hand washing. Applying a polish over soiled, muddy sneakers will not look very good. Follow these directions to step away with a fresh look.


Prepare your water first. Place a few drops of any gentle detergent into warm water. Do not add bleach, especially if your canvas sneakers are colored. Read washing instructions for your specific shoes.


Remove your laces. Keeping the laces in the sneakers will leave markings and possibly hide some dirt underneath.


Shake your canvas sneakers or tap off any loose dirt and mud against a hard surface outside. Getting off the hard dirt will give your sneakers a better chance to look terrific once they're polished.


Dip your sneakers into the prepared water to wet them down. Use a nylon sponge or soft brush to loosen soil into the water.


Rinse sneakers in clean water until all soapy residue is removed and there are no signs of packed on mud. Rinsing a second time might be required.


Put a combination of

and warm water in a small bowl and dip a toothbrush into the mixture. Brush back and forth and inside and out with the brush on the sneaker for a deeper cleaning.


Dry the sneakers completely. Once sneakers are dry you can begin to polish them. Put a white liquid polish on white canvas sneakers, but check on the back of the product to see if you can use it on color.

How to Plan an Easter Outfit for a Woman

How to Plan an Easter Outfit for a Woman

Have you spent so much time dyeing eggs and planning your family's activities that you're still wondering what to wear this Easter? Chances are good that you can pull a few things out of your closet and coordinate a festive holiday outfit.

Things You'll Need:

Colorful Shells

Sling Back Pumps

A-line Skirts

Faux Pearls Hair Clip

Mary Janes

Print Blouses

Sassy Mules

Silk Twinsets

Sleeveless Dresses

Strappy Sandals

Women's Dress Pants

Pearl Necklaces


Attend formal church services or a fancy brunch in a suit and colorful shell. Select dressy-casual separates for an outdoor picnic, a parade or a community center gathering.


Consider your dressy-casual options. Pair comfortable slacks with a silk twinset, or an A-line skirt and linen shirt. Or, coordinate a sleeveless dress with an oversize print blouse worn unbuttoned.


Choose a base of navy or soft black and layer on the colors of spring: lemon, melon, mint, rose, sky blue, mandarin and garnet.


Complement a suit with sling-back pumps. Strappy sandals, an updated mary jane or a sassy mule will flatter your dressy-casual outfit. Remember that spring is the season for patent leather.


Accessorize! Pearls are a great spring jewel, whether faux in a hair clip or real adorning your neck. Opt for a straw or canvas handbag with seasonal motifs color-coordinated to your outfit and shoes.

Tips & Warnings

Wear soft spring makeup. Add subtle color to lips with a tinted gloss, and give your cheeks a delicate sweep of blush.

Revitalize hair color the weekend before Easter; otherwise, you might need to dye your roots at the last minute.

How to Plan a Maternity Wardrobe

How to Plan a Maternity Wardrobe

If you are pregnant, you may be wondering about maternity clothing. Growing out of your regular clothes can create varying emotions, but there is no need to worry. Today, it can be easy to plan a maternity wardrobe that is both stylish and cost conscious.


Determine the seasons during which you will be pregnant. The season will affect the kind of maternity wardrobe that you plan to purchase. For example, if you are going to be pregnant during the winter, you may need a winter coat. If you are going to be pregnant during the summer, you may want to look for a bathing suit.


Consider career clothing for your maternity wardrobe. If you will be working during your
, choosing career clothing that is stylish and professional is crucial. Try to stick with a few basic pieces in basic colors for your career wardrobe. A skirt, button down shirts, a jacket, pants, a dress and sweaters may all be part of your career wardrobe.


Think about your casual maternity wardrobe. Everyone will need casual maternity clothing. You may choose sweaters, pants, skirts, long-sleeved knit shirts and dresses for casual winter clothes. For a casual summer maternity wardrobe, you may want capri pants, shorts, sundresses, T-shirts, tank tops and skirts. Jeans are also an integral part of any maternity wardrobe.


Look for new maternity undergarments. Most pregnant women will need a new bra at some point during their pregnancy. Purchase one or two bras that can accommodate your changing size. You can wear the maternity bras post-pregnancy as well. Underwear is also something to consider. You can purchase maternity underwear or regular underwear in a larger than you normally wear.


Look for places to purchase your maternity wardrobe. You can buy maternity clothes at maternity stores, maternity clothing outlets, department stores, discount stores or consignment shops. You can also borrow maternity clothing from your friends or you can purchase maternity

Tips & Warnings

Choosing some pieces of your maternity wardrobe in basic colors, such as black or brown, is a wise idea. This way, you can mix and match these pieces with the more colorful pieces in your wardrobe and get more mileage out of your clothes.

You don't need to buy a huge maternity wardrobe. Choose a few pieces and accessorize your outfits with accessories, such as jewelry and shoes, to add interest to and change up your outfits.

Try to choose maternity clothing that has stretch. Clothes with stretch will be more likely to fit you during your entire pregnancy and beyond.

Some stores and online sites sell clothing starter kits, such as the Belly Basics Kit. These kits have a few basic pieces, such as a skirt and a top, in basic colors, such as black. These kits can be an easy way to start building your maternity wardrobe.

Fitted clothing can be very attractive on a pregnant woman. Fitted clothes show off your new shape and make you look smaller. Oversized clothing can make you look larger than you are and make you feel frumpy.

How to Plan a Body Makeover for Spring

How to Plan a Body Makeover for Spring

There are very, very few people who are 100 percent satisfied with every aspect of their bodies. Spring is the perfect time to start making improvements. If you are planning a spring body makeover, set realistic expectations and stay committed. Whether it's joining a gym, using at-home DVDs, hiring a personal trainer and/or starting a new nutritional program, it's all within reach. The key is having a plan and staying true to it.

Things You'll Need:


Gym membership


Workout buddy

Fitness DVDs

Buy a Journal


Enter all spring makeover goals in a new journal and record the steps you'll need to take to reach those goals. Enter your daily progress.


Make note of times when you fall off your plan and what caused you to fail briefly.


Study magazine articles concerning exercise and nutrition, then clip and paste them into the back of your journal for easy reference.

Set Up a Fitness Regime


Join a gym, where you can exercise on your own or as part of a class. If possible, work with a personal trainer. You might also want to ask a friend to be a workout buddy, since it's easier to get yourself there if you've made a commitment to meet someone.


Buy fitness DVDs and schedule regular at-home training. You can also watch and participate in televised workout programs.


Add exercise to your daily life. Take the stairs instead of an elevator, park in the outer reaches of a parking lot and get in the habit of taking a short walk after work.

Clean Out the Refrigerator and Shop Smart


Get rid of foods you have in your refrigerator or pantry that are high in fat or calories. If they aren't in your home, they won't be a temptation. Make room for the

you will be eating now.


Read labels for content when grocery shopping, especially as regards fats and sugars, including fructose and dextrose. Fill up the grocery cart with fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meats, poultry and fish. Walk past foods that are filled with empty calories.


Join a support group such as Weight Watchers, so you'll have guidance and companionship while you change your eating habits (see Resources below).

Make a Committment


Commit to a

. You are more likely to reach your goals if you are making the changes for yourself, rather than for someone else.


Don't try to change everything at one time. Make sensible choices one step at a time and before you know it, you'll be the perfect picture of health.

Tips & Warnings

Don't compare your results to those achieved by others. A spring body makeover plan is all about personal change and execution.

Many gyms will offer a complimentary session with a personal trainer to get you started when you join.

If starting a new fitness plan as part of a spring body makeover, visit a physician first to be certain your activity of choice is safe and in line with your current health conditions.

How to Pierce Your Own Ears

How to Pierce Your Own Ears

Piercing your own ears can be done easily and relatively painlessly. A few items like a safety pin, ice and a set of


are essentially all you need for this task. So gather up your things, go into the bathroom and follow these steps for piercing your own ears.

Things You'll Need:

Large safety pin

Rubbing alcohol






Gather supplies including a large safety pin, ice and appropriate earrings to put in after the safety pin comes out.


Ice ears until they feel numb; this will take about one minute.


Take ibuprofen to help with pain later on after you have pierced your ears.


Sterilize the needle by burning it in the flame of a candle and wipe it with an alcohol soaked paper towel to clean it off.


Pierce ears with the sterilized safety pin. Leave the safety pin in your ear for about 10 minutes before removing and replacing with earrings.




in the newly pierced hole.


Use alcohol to clean your pierced ears every night. This will help prevent infection.


Leave earrings in your pierced ears and do not change them for about 4 to 6 weeks.

Tips & Warnings

It's best to use a set of earrings that are called piercing earrings. They are slightly thicker in diameter and your ears will heal at a size that will allow you to put a new pair of earrings in easily.

Do not use this technique to pierce your tongue, nipples or navel. This type of piercing requires a professional.

Do not pierce a young child's or baby's ears.

How to Pick White Gold

How to Pick White Gold

White gold was developed in the 1920s as an alternative to the more expensive platinum. It is an alloy (mixture) of gold and other metals, such as silver, nickel, zinc or palladium. It is rated in karats, according to the amount of gold versus the other metals. Some white gold also has platinum added to the mix, providing durability.

Explore the Variety of White Gold Jewelry


Look at the alloy used with gold before you make your purchase. White gold made with a nickel alloy is considered to be strong enough for jewelry, such as rings. Palladium alloys are more pliable and are used more for gemstone settings.


Pick white gold jewelry coated in rhodium or platinum and palladium for a piece with a brilliant shine. The coating is used to prevent oxidation and to add luster.


Look at the craftsmanship of the entire piece of white gold jewelry. Pick only the designs and styles that are well crafted. When ordering online, examine the return policy carefully. You should be able to return any purchase if the quality of the design doesn't match with the product description.


Pick a necklace in 14k white gold, with a diamond pendant, for a shimmering, eye-catching design. The brilliance of the diamonds is reflected in the luster of the white gold.


Take your pick of white gold jewelry to wear with your black dress or blouse. The contrast of white gold on black highlights the brilliance of the white gold.


Find white gold jewelry that is assayed and hallmarked. Some countries require an official hallmark to identify the metal's fineness and the manufacturer. These marks are stamped into the metal by the assayer.


Select white gold made with nickel for a more brilliant white. Palladium whites have a more subdued or warm appearance.


Choose white gold for your jewelry when you want the color of the piece to be seen. Yellow gold tends to be a dominant color while white gold allows the colors in the adorning stones to be noticed.

Tips & Warnings

If the white gold jewelry you're wearing turns yellow, it is likely that the rhodium plating is wearing down, exposing the natural yellow tones of the gold. Ask your local jeweler to re-plate the rhodium to restore the color to white gold.

Avoid irritation. If you are allergic to nickel, read the content of alloy metals to determine whether the white gold piece of interest contains nickel.

How to Pick What to Wear With Black Pants

How to Pick What to Wear With Black Pants

You probably have at least one pair of black pants in your closet that make you look and feel great! These are a wonderful staple for any wardrobe and can work year round in a neutral fabric. Best of all, they can quickly and easily transform into a wide range of looks, depending on what you pick to wear with them.

Things You'll Need:

Black pants



Bright shirt

Silk blouse

Halter top

Cropped jacket

Metallic shirt

Equestrian-style boots



Wear black pants with a T-shirt, a hoodie and sneakers for a casual weekend look.


Opt for a black sweater and black boots for a lean silhouette.


Select a crisp white blouse and black beads for a simple, modern touch.


Let your shirt pop by selecting one in a bold color, such as turquoise, deep pink or bright green.


Slip on a royal blue silk blouse for a sophisticated palette.


Try straight-leg black pants with a longer, tunic cut print top.


Experiment with tops in a range of styles and cuts. Try shirts that are open at the neck, high turtlenecks, boat necks and crew necks to see what works best.


Feel sexy by pairing a halter top with black pants.


Find a black cropped jacket in a tweed finish that works with the pants to get a suit effect. Just match different blacks carefully, since the depth of the colors can vary.


Take black pants into evening by selecting a top with a metallic finish, such as bronze, copper, gold or silver.


Tuck straight-legged black pants into boots that come up almost to your knee with a turtleneck and blazer to achieve a classy, equestrian style easily.

Tips & Warnings

Buy black pants in a variety of weights, including twill, denim, wool and crepe.

Make body-conscious black yoga pants work for evening with a flowy top.

Invest in wide black velvet pants that you can dress up, or dress down, as needed.

Use special detergent for dark colors to prevent your black pants from fading.

Nothing cheapens the look of black pants more than lint or animal hair. Check your pants carefully before you put then on and use a lint brush as needed.

Wash black pants alone or only with other dark items in case they run, so they won't ruin the rest of your laundry.

How to Pick Watches for Spring

How to Pick Watches for Spring

A watch is no longer just an object worn to keep up with the time of day. The fashion world demands a watch for every occasion and to match every outfit. Wearing the right watch can serve to complement your attire just as much as the right


or necklace.


Browse through the latest fashion magazines to determine the hottest trends in design. Look for simplicity, boldness, bright or subdued colors and detailing. Styles, colors and shapes of watches change almost as frequently as those of clothing. Every season has a unique color or tone that sets it apart.


Pick watches for spring that have the option of interchangeable bands. Many designs are available with bands in colors such as dark blue, light blue, green, pink, black, red and white. Faceplate covers that match the bands may be included in some designs.


Choose watches that are water-resistant. Since spring marks the beginning of water
in southern climates, choosing a water-resistant watch eliminates the need to constantly remove your watch to participate in activities such as swimming and waterskiing.


Buy watches that are personalized for Mother's Day, birthdays or times of special recognition, such as National Nurses Week. Many watches can be engraved to make any event memorable.


Buy a watch to match every color tone in your spring wardrobe. Watches are available in gold tones, sterling silver, brass and other metals. A variety of brightly colored leather bands and gemstone adornments makes spring come to life in a fashionable watch.


Wear a different watch for evening activities, such as dining out in a formal setting or attending an opera. Daytime wear may require a watch that is suitable for rigorous activities, while evening wear will benefit from a watch that is more sophisticated.


Make your selection from many styles of watches. Pick a cuff watch, strap watch, stretch band, link bracelet, narrow- or wide-band design.


Get a multi-function watch for spring activities that includes the day,
and multi-functional dial. Some designs are made to wear even when deep sea diving.

Tips & Warnings

Shop for designer-inspired watches to get the designer look and feel at a much lower cost than designer brands.

Begin a collection of vintage watches with choices for every season.

Read the description carefully to know if the watch you pick is an 18k gold watch or some other metal that is gold-plated. Gold plating will not last as long as the real thing, but it should be significantly less expensive.