How to Prevent Heartburn

How to Prevent Heartburn

Heartburn is a burning pain in the heart area. It's a digestive complaint where regurgitated stomach acid mimics heart pain that can radiate to the neck, throat, and even the face. It usually happens after eating and is worse upon lying down or at bedtime. The following suggestions are designed to minimize stomach acid output while other healing measures are put into play.


Eat fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.


Eat when relaxed.


Eat smaller meals


Don't eat directly before going to bed.


Identify the acid provokers. These are alcohol, coffee, citrus fruits, tomato, chocolate, carbonated drinks like pop, spicy foods, black tea, peppers and onions.


No more fat. Fried foods, whipping cream, milk shakes, and other delectable fatty drinks and foods make matters worse.


Refrain from gassy foods. This could be individual items or combinations that cause you to belch.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid carminative herbs like peppermint and spearmint. They make matters worse for some.

Decrease acid-meadow sweet.

Healing-cabbage, comfrey, licorice root, marshmallow root.

Soothing herbs-marshmallow root, slippery elm.

Seek medical attention for chest pains not related to eating, intense or unrelenting symptoms, chest pain that extends to the left arm, shoulders, or neck, shortness of breath, crushing sensation on the chest and/or nighttime pain accompanied by increased heart rate or rapid breathing.