How to Fight Aging With Meditation

How to Fight Aging With Meditation

Meditation is a powerful tool for slowing down the aging process. It fights problems such as stress, insomnia, poor circulation, addictions and negative outlook that cause aging. Meditation is easy to learn and inexpensive, and you can practice it almost anywhere. Most people are unaware of its transformative value, especially as it pertains to anti-aging.


Find a certified instructor of yoga or meditation in your area. Be explicit that you want to practice it in order to fight aging. This way you eliminate schools of meditation that have other goals, such as overcoming the ego.


Learn the techniques well. Your success in meditation is proportional to how closely you can follow instructions on things such as breathing, concentration and posture.


Practice meditation regularly, preferably at the same time each day. Many people agree that the best times to meditate are before you start your day's activities and before you go to sleep. Your instructor may tell you otherwise. Stick to what your instructor recommends. As you gain more experience, you'll know what works best for you.


Enjoy the natural side effects of meditation or yoga. Your body and mind should feel more rejuvenated. Your energy level should increase noticeably. Also, your skin should look healthier and younger. You don't need to do anything other than meditate for these anti-aging side effects to occur.


Use CDs and other aids or your own concentration to break bad habits such as smoking, drinking or overeating. Ridding yourself of these habits can extend your life.


Keep in mind that the more you practice yoga or meditation, the more effective it becomes. So don't stop it once you attain a certain level of success.

Tips & Warnings

Many people who start meditating for the first time report an experience that's anything but pleasant. This is due to negative patterns emerging on the surface when the mind becomes calm. One example is intense fear or pain from past trauma. Although it feels bad, it's actually good for you, like bad-tasting medicine. Qualified instructors understand this stage and can help you through it.

How to Fight a Cold

How to Fight a Cold

During cold season, it is hard to avoid catching at least one. Try these natural remedies to reduce the duration of your cold and get better faster!


Airborne. Take at the first sign of a cold or before going to a public place like the airport or mall during cold season. It's full with natural good stuff to fight off the virus.


Fluids. Drink plenty of fluids.


Echinacea. It has long been the top choice for herbal cold remedies.


Vitamin C. It boosts your immune system, reducing the severity and length of the cold. your body can only absorb between 250 mg to 500 mg a day so don't waste your vitamins by taking extra large doses.


Zinc. Suck on a zinc lozenge every couple of hours for a fast recovery.


Blow it. If your nose is running, don't keep sniffling, blow out the mucus into a Kleenex, and wash hands in soapy water afterwards.


Green Tea. Drink a cup every day for a healthier body.


Run a humidifier in the bedroom during the dry cold season.


Reduce stress. If you feel yourself getting sick, take a few measures to reduce added stress in your life which weakens your immune system. Your body needs rest so it can work to heal. Perhaps giving yourself a relaxing spa day will give your body the rest and relaxation it needs to get healing. *~see How to Plan a Spa Day at Home~*


Stay Home. Prevent spreading colds by staying home or keeping your kids home from school during a cold.


Pain reliever. If your cold is causing you a lot of minor aches and pains, fever or headache, take a pain reliever such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen, or Excedrine.

Tips & Warnings

Sneeze on your sleeve.

Cough on your cuff.

Wash hands to reduce spread of germs.


How to Fight a Cold With Crystals

How to Fight a Cold With Crystals

Starve a cold, feed a fever? The other way around? Let's face it, nobody knows what helps. Everyone has their standbys, from mustard plasters to hot toddies. The world of natural medicine offers several minerals that can help you through a cold.

Things You'll Need:

Small bag or pouch (optional)

Clear Quartz

Larimar, Sulphur, Jet, Emerald and Yellow Topaz for colds and flu

Carnelian for sinus and lung irritation

Labradorite, Fluorite, Rhyolite, Lapis, Rhodochrosite or Smithsonite for sinus congestion

Aquamarine or Blue Agate for coughs

Gold, Lodestone or Rutilated Quartz for bronchitis


Clear Quartz is the ultimate healing stone. Use it for its own properties and to give the other stones more power. Keep one in your pocket, under your pillow and in your water glass.


If you're coughing, add an Aquamarine or Blue Agate to that water glass. Or, just wrap a cloth around your neck with one of these stones over your throat.


For the sinus congestion, try washing your sinuses with a salt water solution. Keep a piece of Labradorite, Fluorite or Lapis Lazuli in the salt water, along with a piece of Carnelian.


For the chest congestion, drink lots of water and breathe lots of steam. Add Lodestone, Gold or Rutilated Quartz in the steam water, along with a piece of Carnelian.


There are several stones that are specifically recommended for a cold. Try wearing Larimar, Sulphur, Jet, Emerald or Yellow Topaz.

Tips & Warnings

Get plenty of rest, drink plenty of good water and keep any or all of these stones under your mattress or pillow or in your pockets.

You can combine small pieces of all of these in a medicine pouch and wear it.

If any cold lasts longer than seven to ten days, your nasal discharge becomes yellow, or your fever spikes, see your doctor.

How to Fast to Treat Lupus

How to Fast to Treat Lupus

Lupus is a chronic and potentially fatal autoimmune disease that affects one in every 200 Americans. Lupus is characterized by flare-ups and remissions that involve painful inflammation and swelling of various parts of the body. While there is no cure for lupus, the painful symptoms can be eliminated or at least greatly diminished through a therapeutic juice fast.


Prepare for your fast at least one week in advance, gradually cutting out meats, sugars, nicotine, caffeine and alcohol. It is recommended that you take three multivitamin and multimineral supplements with each meal during the week or two before beginning your fast.


Drink only fresh fruit and vegetable juices for 8 full days. You can drink as much juice as you like to combat thirst and hunger. While you can juice any type of vegetable that can be eaten raw, beneficial fruits and vegetables for treating lupus include cabbage, beets, romaine lettuce, carrots, apples, grapes and melons. There is no limit to the type or amount of fruit and vegetable juice you can drink during your fast.


Come off of your fast gradually by slowly adding raw vegetables and easily digested proteins to your diet. You may eat one or two half meals each day for three days, including raw vegetables, nuts, beans and tofu. Continue to drink fresh juices to combat thirst and hunger.


Maintain a diet made up from 75 percent raw foods for at least ten days after your fast. You may eat three full meals each day plus snacks as long as each meal is at least 75 percent raw. The 25 percent of your meals that consists of cooked foods should include baked or steamed vegetables, nuts, whole grains and beans.


Return to your regular diet slowly, eating smaller meals than normal and supplementing with raw food snacks and fresh juices. Complete a therapeutic juice fast whenever you feel a flare-up of your lupus symptoms.

Tips & Warnings

Speak to your doctor before beginning a fast, particularly if you are taking prescription medications.

Occasionally fasters may feel a peak in painful symptoms for the first few days of a fast. These are signs that your body is successfully eliminating toxins from your body, and you should not be alarmed unless the painful symptoms last more than one week. If you continue to feel excess pain and discomfort after 1 week, speak to your doctor as soon as possible.

How to Fast to Treat Colitis

How to Fast to Treat Colitis

Colitis is a gastrointestinal (GI) disorder that can cause malabsorption of food, cramping, constipation and diarrhea. While the causes of colitis vary from genetic predisposition to systemic toxemia, many sufferers of colitis battle the disorder throughout their entire lives. Colitis requires treatment through diet and lifestyle changes guided by a medical physician; however, occasional therapeutic juice fasting can help treat flare-ups and the painful symptoms of colitis.


Plan a 21-day therapeutic juice fast to treat colitis symptoms. The cycle will consist of eight days taking in only fresh fruit and vegetable juices, three days to gradually come off from the juice fast and ten days eating at least 75 percent raw foods.


Begin with an 8-day juice fast, drinking the juice of raw fruits and vegetables. You may juice any fruit or vegetable that can be eaten raw and may consume as much juice as you need to combat hunger and thirst. As a general rule, mix your juices with one part water to one part juice, using filtered or bottled water if possible. A few beneficial fruits and vegetables for colitis include cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, zucchini squash, romaine lettuce, celery, apples, grapes and melons.


Be prepared to spend a little extra time in the bathroom, as a juice fast will help to clean out wastes from your digestive tract, increasing both urination and defecation. You should drink a minimum of four 8 oz. glasses of fresh juice throughout the day for eight full days. You cannot overdo a juice fast, so whenever you feel hungry or thirsty--drink.


Come off of the juice fast gradually by eating very lightly for three days. Only eat raw fruits and vegetables during this three day period. As a rule of thumb, eat six small meals each day, eating only half as much as you would like to. Continue drinking fresh juice to combat thirst and hunger.


Maintain a raw food diet for at least 10 days after your juice fast. You may eat three full meals and snacks, as long as at least 75 percent of each meal is made up from raw, uncooked fruits, vegetables and nuts. The 25 percent cooked portion should include whole grain pastas and breads, brown rice, beans and cooked vegetables. Refrain from eating meat, not just while on the fast, but always, as meat irritates the symptoms of colitis.


Eat as normal once you have completed the 21-day cycle. Be sure to include plenty of fresh healthy proteins and fats in your regular diet such as yogurt, goat's milk, nuts and beans. Complete a 21-day juice fast when needed to treat the symptoms of colitis.

Tips & Warnings

Do not begin a fast without your doctor's approval, particularly if you are taking prescription medications. Fasting should not be undertaken by nursing or pregnant mothers.

How to Fast to Treat Arthritis

How to Fast to Treat Arthritis

Arthritis is a condition that causes joint pain, stiffness and swelling. Arthritis can limit movement and even cause joint deformities and brittle bones. Toxic chemicals that accumulate in the joint spaces of the body contribute to the painful symptoms of arthritis. While traditional medicine treats arthritis with anti-inflammatory drugs and pain killers, over time these treatments can add to the problem. Fasting and detoxification is a common natural treatment for arthritis that can be performed easily and safely.


Prepare for your fast by supplementing your body's nutritional reserves with vitamin and mineral supplements. It is recommended that you take two or three non-copper multivitamin and multimineral supplements as well as two or three antioxidant tablets with each meal. To further support detoxification you may take three lipotropic factors twice a day and one tbsp. of liquid bioflavonoids each morning.


Begin your fast slowly. While many people can begin a fast instantly, those suffering from arthritis may feel more discomfort and pain if the fast is begun too quickly. For the first three days of your fast, eat only fruits, vegetables (raw or cooked,) nuts, seeds and juices. Drink extra water and try to eat smaller portions of food than you normally would.


Drink only warm teas, water and fruit or vegetable juices beginning on the fourth day. You may drink any teas or fruit juices your like as well as the juice from any vegetable that can be eaten raw. Beneficial juices to treat arthritis include carrot, beet, cabbage, apple, grapes and melon. Drink as much juice as needed to combat both thirst and hunger.


Start eating solid foods again on the ninth day, eating only one light meal each day made up from steamed or baked vegetables. Do not eat a full meal, rather try to eat only half of what you might like to and combat your thirst and hunger with more fresh juice.


Reintroduce your regular diet slowly beginning on the eleventh day. Eat three small meals a day, which may include easily digestible proteins like whole grains, brown rice, tofu and quinoa.


Return to your normal arthritis-friendly diet and complete the fast on day 15. Continue to keep fresh juice a regular part of your diet to treat arthritis. Perform a fifteen-day fast whenever you feel a flare up of your arthritis symptoms.

Tips & Warnings

Always dilute fresh fruit and vegetable juices with 50 percent water.

Many people who have used a fast to treat arthritis have complained of a brief worsening of symptoms in the early portion of the fast. While easing into your fast slowly should decrease the chances of this spike in symptoms, there is still a possibility that you may feel a bit more discomfort than normal during the first few days. A brief worsening of symptoms can be uncomfortable, but it is a sign that your body is effectively eliminating toxins and should be followed by significant improvement by day 5 of your fast. If painful symptoms continue past day 5, speak to your doctor as soon as possible.

How to Fast for Weight Loss

How to Fast for Weight Loss

Fasting is a practice that involves choosing to abstain from food, drink, or both for a pre-determined amount of time. It is generally used for detoxification of the body or for other medical reasons. Fasting programs are also popular and proven weight loss methods when used safely and moderately. Due to the health risks of fasting, it is extremely important to follow a few steps to ensure that your fast is both effective and healthy for your body.


Begin with a very brief fasting program before building up to a longer program for weight loss. If this is your first time fasting, it is best to start out fasting for only a portion of the day, such as a 12-hour period that starts at night. Generally, fasting for more than a few days is not medically recommended, so it is dangerous to subject your body to this practice without giving yourself necessary preparation time to adjust.


Prepare your body to undergo a fasting program for weight loss by limiting unnecessary food habits, such as the intake of alcohol, sugar and caffeine at least 1 week prior to starting your fast. You should also refrain from or limit your use of nicotine and try to avoid eating red meat. One of the primary purposes of fasting is to rid the body of these toxins, so it is usually helpful to get yourself in the habit of avoiding these substances before you even begin.


Allow yourself to eat only 1 meal per day while fasting. The best time of day to have this meal is usually about 3:00 in the afternoon, as this is the midpoint of the working day for most people. The meal you have should only be comprised of water, tea or juice and some form of raw fruits or vegetables to ensure maximum detoxification and weight loss.


Avoid exercise and other strenuous activity during your fast. Though refraining from exercise may seem to contradict the purpose of a weight loss program, your body will not be physically capable of performing any form of exercise due to the physiological effects of fasting. Denying your body food and water temporarily decreases the amount of energy your body is able to expend.


Rebuild the amount of food you eat slowly after you finish your fast. It is common to want to binge after completing a fast, but it is important to slowly increase your intake of food over a period of days to allow your digestive cycle to return to normal.

Tips & Warnings

Don't expect to fast without side effects. Common side effects of a fast for weight loss are headaches, feelings of hunger, nausea and irritability. Usually, the body will adjust to the fasting program within 3 days and these side effects will eventually decrease or disappear entirely.

People who are pregnant or who suffer from chronic medical conditions should never fast.

How to fall asleep with linden leaves.

How to fall asleep with linden leaves.

This article will help you if you are having trouble falling asleep using an old home brew remedy.

Things You'll Need:

Linden Tea (Te de tilo)or

Linden leaves (Hojas de tilo)


Obtain Linden (also known as Tilo) leaves for brewing. If you are lucky you'll find the tea already bagged.


Brew the leaves in warm water. Use a filter if you weren't lucky enough to find the bagged version.


Allow about thirty minutes to work.

Tips & Warnings

You can find Linden/Tilo in the tea section. If you have a Spanish tea section look for a brand like Badia.

Tilo is Spanish for Linden leaves. So use them interchangeably.

Check for allergies before hand.

How to Extract Aloe Vera Juice

How to Extract Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe, a member of the lily family that more closely resembles a cactus in appearance and habitat, has been used in natural medicine for thousands of years. Today, we value it chiefly for its "aloe vera," a gel scraped from the inside of its fleshy spiked leaves, that can be used as a salve to relieve burned or irritated skin. There is more to this ancient plant, however, than the mucilaginous gel that is used to soothe skin. Many people maintain that the use of aloe "juice" has digestive benefits, too.

Things You'll Need:

Aloe plants

Sharp knife

Potato peeler

Cheese cloth and colander or juicer


Storage Container


Grow your plants outside in sandy soil. This "lily of the desert" loves hot weather and doesn't mind dry conditions but cannot tolerate freezing temperatures. Indoor plants do not produce gel of the same potency. Every spring, your plants will produce offsets that can be planted to make new plants. If you separate and start each of these "babies" in its own space or pot each spring, you'll have a steady supply of aloe plants.


Choose plants that are two to three years old to use for your aloe vera juice. Mature plants have been producing the enzymes and proteins that make up the interior of the leaves for some time. Also, mature plants can stand to lose some leaves with little damage to the plant. Harvest ten to twelve leaves from the bottoms of mature plants three to four hours after watering. Wash the leaves with warm water or water and vinegar.


With a sharp knife, slice the spiny sides off each leaf. Work quickly with the leaves once you've cut them to conserve the liquid that will drain out as you work. Cut or scrape one side of the leaf off and cut the exposed gel into sections and cut away from the remaining leaf surface, being careful not to take any of the lining of the tough green leaf away with the colorless gel. The gel should be tasteless, not bitter.


Put your gel in a juicer or a cheesecloth-lined colander in a bowl. Process the gel in the juicer or crush it through the strainer into the bowl to get your ale juice. Add up to a gallon of water or fruit juice to thin for drinking. Refrigerate immediately. Don't make too much at a time--aloe potency fades quickly, so the juice must be consumed within a few days.

Tips & Warnings

Various sources recommend aloe vera juice for everything from intestinal health to hair conditioning. When searching for uses for aloe juice, check the source to make sure it's reliable and the information it offers is accurate.

Although some aloe juice "recipes" suggest chopping off the spines and processing the whole leaf, the interior of the lining of the aloe leaf contains aloe latex, a bitter yellowish substance that can cause gastric upset and severe cramps. Be careful to avoid this part of the leaf when collecting your aloe juice.

Old plants that have had their lower leaves stripped can be re-set more deeply. They will continue to set offshoots.

Read the Mayo Clinic's analysis of benefits of aloe before ingesting any.

People with allergies to onions or garlic (also members of the lily family) should not use aloe internally.