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Whores. ESTOS CARROS SON DE SUPER LUJO Dreamcasts are awesome for old console emulation hooked right up to your tv as there is no hardware/software modding you need to do it. So I may share this with my friends on I feel sad for Federer but what can you do, Nadal is an amazing player. They both are! Great match, but not as great as the Wimbledon final. I am guessing that this match was closer than the Super Bowl will be though. what an idiot. no matter what they look like. Also, FTA: "Plus, Ubuntu can only see and use 221.7 MB of the PS3's 512MB of RAM for some reason." Really seems that they need to take a look at old XBox modding. Did anyone else think this was going to be an Onion article? Heck, he's lost 13 out of 19 matches against Nadal now.